SBRT, stereotaxy
Stereotactic radiotherapy
Stereotactic radiotherapy is similar to an operation, but without the scalpel. Tumours and metastases in the brain, lung or liver are precisely targeted with high doses of radiation. In order to fix and reproduce the position of the patient, positioning aids such as masks or vacuum mats are used. The high-precision radiotherapy is preceded by a complex radiation planning process. Extensive safety tests are also carried out. In general, the treatment is restricted to just a few sessions, depending on the type of disorder, pretreatments, and the size of the tumour.

Stereotactic radiotherapy has been available from the group practice Strahlentherapie Bonn-Rhine-Sieg since 2011. The team that carries out this special form of radiotherapy is especially experienced and trained for the job.
This information serves merely as an initial guide. For a personal and detailed initial talk please make an appointment.