Radiation from inside
Brachytherapy/seed implantation
Brachytherapy involves the implantation of special shells, tubes, pins or needles directly into the organ. The implants are a source of radiation. The radiation has only a very short range (brachys = short in Greek), but achieves a high radiation dose in the desired target volume, while the surrounding healthy tissue remains largely protected. Brachytherapy is used mainly for prostate, womb and head-throat tumours. Brachytherapy, also known as "afterloading", is often combined with external radiotherapy.

Seed implantation in the case of prostate cancer
The Troisdorf practice has been carrying out seed therapy in collaboration with the Urology Department at St. Josef's Hospital since 2009. This treatment is a special form of brachytherapy in which small radioactive pins (seeds) are implanted in the tumour under a short anaesthetic, and remain in the organ after the pre-calculated dose has been delivered. The position of the seed is checked again six weeks after implantation. Further checks are carried out then every 3 months.
This information serves merely as an initial guide. For a personal and detailed initial talk please make an appointment.